Condition Assessment of 15 year old Oil & Chemical Tanker
Completed Pre-docking condition assessment of 15-year-old Oil/Chemical Tanker from 16th to 19th April 2023 while the vessel was at Singapore anchorage for Propeller damage assessment.
Inspected Deck, Superstructure and Engine room. Reviewed all reports and given rough estimation for Dry-docking & 3rd Special Survey.
Prepared Dry docks specs for 25 Year old Container vessel
Sailed from 15th to 20th August 2023, Jebel Ali, UAE to Mundra, India.
Inspected Deck, Superstructure and Engine room. Reviewed all reports and prepared Dry-docking specification for 5th Special Survey.
As the vessel was recently taken over by the Technical Managers, had to prepare the specifications based on actual condition and available records. All crew were still getting familiar with the vessel there was hardly any information available. Had to collect all information personally by checking all manuals onboard and scanning them as required.

No.2 Boiler tube repair by welding
Received a call from one of our clients that their one vessel could not proceed on voyage due to CE reported that 11 tubes of economizer were found leaking and No.2 Boiler one inner tube was found dislodged from the outer tube.
Arranged and mobilized Class approved workshop and welder at zero notice. Assisted owners in arranging safe anchorage for repair in very short time.
Successfully completed repair of dislodged boiler tube by TIG welding in very difficult and limited space and tested satisfactorily.
Successfully Fabricated plugs and sent together with team. Plugged and welded plugs in very difficult and limited space. Tested satisfactorily and sailed the vessel with minimum loss time.